Meeting Expectations Inside and Out
To some, building a home might seem overwhelming, while to others it might seem fun. In any case it is sure to be an exciting journey that we want to take with you.
Satterfield Builders offers Standard Features that are above and beyond what other builders offer.
Together with our fine tuned building process, we try to make your home build as stress free as possible.

Our 5 Step Process
Initial Consultation
In the initial consultation, we will meet with you to discuss the desired design and explain the selection options.
We offer two build programs:
- Semi-Custom
- Custom
We will explain these programs to you and see which fits your needs best.
We can show you some of our finished homes, or homes under construction. We can also help you to become familiar with the area if you are looking at building in one of our communities.
Prior to this consultation, we would hope you would have already contacted a lending institution to secure your financing. If not, no worries, we can recommend local lenders that we have confidence in.
Finalize Design
The second step is to reserve a lot and finalize a home plan design. This does not mean you have to have everything selected, we just need to know your desired floorplan, and have a set of plans to be able to put numbers on.
We offer two build programs:
- Semi-Custom
- Custom
We will explain the advantages of each program and you can then choose which program you would like to do.
We will then make up a specification sheet and go through that with you to explain our standard features and ask you questions about potential upgrades you would like us to price out for you.
This step usually takes a couple of weeks for a full custom build, or a couple days for a simplified build.
Establish Price
You then turn it over to us to go out and find the best pricing possible with our highly qualified craftsman. We need about two weeks to process all the pricing on most custom projects.
Once you have plans, specifications, and pricing information, we can move forward by signing contracts.
If we are going to carry the financing because the home is being built on one of our lots, we will require an amount of earnest money, starting at 5% of the contract price, depending on the level of custom features.
The earnest money is how we balance the risk of taking on a project and allowing you, the buyer, to make personalized selections. This money will act as part of your down payment at closing when the home is complete.
If we are building on your lot and you are financing the project, we will establish a draw schedule and take monthly draws according to the progress of the project.
Build It
Once we have contracts in place, we will establish a construction schedule and start construction.
You will be able to access your project information through our online management system and see any requested change orders and financial summaries. We maintain open communication throughout the project and are here to assist with any of your questions.
Depending on your build program, there will be different selection meetings and onsite walkthroughs where we will select finishes and answer questions. A review of our Homeowner Manual will cover the build process in detail.
Once the home is complete we will conduct a New Home Orientation where we will introduce you to all the features of your new home before you move in. Please see our list of Preferred Partners for lenders and landscapers to help you along.